Nutrition & Lifestyle Therapy

are you Sick and tired
of being sick and tired?
You’re not alone.
But you are unique.
This is why nutrition and lifestyle support tailored specifically to your individual needs is so important.
Are you perennially exhausted?
Struggling to find answers to a chronic health condition?
“Simply” want to lose weight once and for all?
Need to get your blood sugar under control?
Perhaps you’re simply overwhelmed by all of the health and nutrition advice out there, and just want some expertise and guidance so that you can wake up every morning feeling great!
As a Nutritional Therapist, my job is to get to the root of your health concerns and address what’s causing them in the first place, rather than patching you up with a never-ending list of symptom relief options. My goal is to educate and empower you at every stage of our journey together, so that you can take control of your own health, and stay healthy and well for years to come. The best cure after all, is the one you never need!

In contrast to a Nutritionist or Dietician, a Nutritional Therapist approaches health and wellness from an holistic perspective, seeing every person as unique and whole. We consider the physical, environmental, social, emotional and spiritual aspects that are all fundamental to your wellbeing. We take an in-depth medical history and assess past and present food and lifestyle choices to identify potential nutritional and metabolic imbalances. Through this process we build an understanding of your unique and individual needs. We can then make dietary, supplemental and lifestyle recommendations, supported by robust scientific evidence, with the aim of restoring you to a place of balance and wellbeing.
What exactly is
a nutritional therapist?
A Nutritional Therapist doesn’t adopt the “a pill for an ill” approach. We dig deep, with the aim of unearthing and addressing the root cause of your health concern, not just your symptoms. In some cases it may take a little time to restore your body to a state of homeostasis (the biochemical balance of the body), but your body has an inherent drive and ability to be well, and it spends all day, every day working toward this. By providing it with the nutrients and practices it needs, whilst removing those it may consider obstacles, a Nutritional Therapist aims to help you get out of its way, restore balance, and let you do what you were born to do - flourish.

how it works

Luke Sebastian Coltman
Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist
My fascination with nutrition and lifestyle medicine began shortly after an event that catalysed a complete rethink of both my physical and mental wellbeing. I had reached a point of zero resilience. I was unhealthy, overweight, perennially anxious, depressed, and perpetually on the verge of physical and mental collapse. I summoned what little energy I had and decided to take action. Perhaps grasping at straws somewhat, I spent a year researching and experimenting with various dietary models and exercise regimes - my own “study of one” if you like - in the hope that something might improve my wellbeing. And you know what…? Something did! Drastically! By the end of that year I found myself with boundless energy, fitter than ever, my brain ticking over nicely, and my often crippling anxiety and depression banished to the past.
As a composer and producer with a background in audio engineering, I have an innate inclination toward the harmonious and technical, and so was driven to unearth the mechanisms behind this remarkable turnaround so that I could understand it fully and help support others that may be struggling to navigate their way around their own physical and mental health obstacles. A career change beckoned, and so I enrolled at The College of Naturopathic Medicine, where I spent three joyous and fascinating years studying the holistic, evidence-based practice of Naturopathic Nutrition, and subsequently qualified as a licensed Nutritional Therapist.
And so here I am, still loving music, but now professionally refocussed on helping to support those that may have struggled to find answers to their health concerns elsewhere, would like to minimise their reliance on pharmaceutical drugs, or would just like to wake up each morning feeling great! With a little effort, expertise, support and encouragement I assure you it’s possible!