In contrast to a Nutritionist or Dietician, a Nutritional Therapist approaches health and wellness from an holistic perspective, seeing every person as unique and whole. We consider the physical, environmental, social, emotional and spiritual aspects that are all fundamental to your wellbeing. We take an in-depth medical history and assess past and present food and lifestyle choices to identify potential nutritional and metabolic imbalances. Through this process we build an understanding of your unique and individual needs. We can then make dietary, supplemental and lifestyle recommendations, supported by robust scientific evidence, with the aim of restoring you to a place of balance and wellbeing.
What exactly is
a nutritional therapist?
A Nutritional Therapist doesn’t adopt the “a pill for an ill” approach. We dig deep, with the aim of unearthing and addressing the root cause of your health concern, not just your symptoms. In some cases it may take a little time to restore your body to a state of homeostasis (the biochemical balance of the body), but your body has an inherent drive and ability to be well, and it spends all day, every day working toward this. By providing it with the nutrients and practices it needs, whilst removing those it may consider obstacles, a Nutritional Therapist aims to help you get out of its way, restore balance, and let you do what you were born to do - flourish.